Mother — someone who can go beyond limits for the sake of her children. She will fight to the ends and sacrifice herself when needed. God gifted her the grace to love unconditionally. Her love is strong and tender that lasts forever. Can we measure the depth of a mother’s love?
As a mother of three, my guiding light and inspiration in loving and nurturing my children is the mother of all peoples, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose love for her son Jesus is beyond compare. When life gets rough, I will find courage in reminding myself of the ardent love of Mary for Jesus. Favored by God to become a mother of His Son, she showed her obedience by accepting His call and bearing all that follows it.
Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Encourage Moms
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A Mother’s Love
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Although the bible mentioned little about her, all that was written demonstrated enough the strength and power of her motherly love for Jesus, from conception to His death on the cross. She undertook the hard journey to Bethlehem and gave birth to our savior in a lowly stable. Mary nurtured and protected the child Jesus as He grew. Fast forward thirty-three years, the passion and death of Christ afflicted her with indescribable sorrow. Her heart bled in pain when she witnessed the humiliation, scourging at the pillar, and crucifixion of Jesus at Calvary. Mary never abandoned her son, but she stood at the foot of the cross until the end. Can you imagine the enormous pain she endured for the love of her son Jesus Christ? She bravely faced and shared Christ’s suffering because of her intense love for Him.
A Prayer A Day for Mothers Devotional & Generations Necklace Gift Set
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A Mother’s Book of Prayers
from: Nest Entertainment
Mothers have different struggles and pains. We may show love in different ways. But we have one thing in common — the unique calling to nurture the generations next to us, to prepare them in fulfilling God’s purpose in their lives. God blessed us with the grace of self-giving and strength to withstand whatever life throws at us. Following Mary’s example, we don’t run away, but we commit to love until the end.
I am forever grateful to my earthly mother for instilling in me the love and devotion to the blessed Virgin Mary since I was young. My love for Mama Mary leads me closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. Her example guides me in inviting Christ into my life as a mother and a wife. To Jesus thru Mary. Totus Tuus!