Steps moving forward uphill
Image by Jade B. @

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Recently, we lost someone dear to us. His unexpected passing brought much sadness, especially to his immediate family. We empathize with their pain, fear, and loneliness.

The sudden loss of a loved one can be exhausting. It brings out mixed emotions of grief, confusion, anger, and regret. Traumatic experiences engender discouragement. Often, coping is a difficult process.

Have you ever experience being stuck you don’t know how to move forward?

Fear and helplessness

Life’s circumstances beyond our control can cause fear and helplessness. It is difficult to embrace the changes in our life when we can’t understand what is happening. Troubles and sorrows cloud our perspective that we may lose hope. The overwhelming struggle will make us feel disconnected and lack of purpose.

Have you ever wished to go back to sleep to avoid the painful reality of what is happening in your life? Or you feel so discouraged you lose the confidence to go forward and live on?

Remember God: Overcome fear

When you dread what lies ahead, remember God, because the bible tells us hundreds of times not to be afraid. He can calm our troubled hearts.

“Do not be afraid — I am with you!

I am your God — let nothing terrify you!

I will make you strong and help you;

I will protect you and save you.” (GNT)

Isaiah 41:10

Tragedy tends to erase the memory of all the wonderful things God has been doing in our life. We forget His faithfulness when we focus on the blackness that we envisioned. But remembering His blessings and provision in the past will give us strength and courage to overcome our fear. In all adversities, holding on to God’s faithfulness in providing strength, comfort, and supplying our material needs yields hope and peace of mind.

Acceptance and surrender

It can be difficult to understand why God allows misery to happen. He may seem silent when we need Him most. Yes, God’s divine workings can be beyond our comprehension.

When you feel burdened and abandoned, remember Jesus’ on the cross as He cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” in Matthew 27:46. He endured the suffering and surrendered to the Father.

Just like Jesus, we too must endure the painful and difficult circumstances in our life. As Jesus submitted to His Father’s will, we also have to surrender to God, who is in control of everything. When we give to God all our burdens, fears, doubts, and worries, we let God do his mighty works in our lives. And we can only rest in His faithfulness.

“Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7

Keep the faith

No matter how unfair life may seem to us, believe in God’s love. Faith is hard to keep in tough times, yet possible.

Here are three (3) ways to keep your faith up even in worst days.

1. Talk to God

In your darkest, never stop talking to God. You can tell him everything– your frustrations, anger, fear, doubts, grief, questions, and even complaints. He can handle our emotions and listen to us with compassion. He understands when we honestly tell him about our struggles.

When life gets hard, pray harder. You can always ask God the desires of your heart. He is generous to give more than what you ask for and things that are best for you in His perfect time. Pray that He will guide you through difficult times. He promised to never leave those who come to Him and remain in Him.

“If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will done for you.”

John 15:7

2. Read the bible

The bible contains instructions from God that we can apply to every situation in our lives. When you feel so weak, find strength from God’s promises of love written in the bible. Meditating on His words will enlighten and guide you through tough times.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path.”

Psalm 119:105

His words will renew our minds, give us hope and courage to face all adversities.

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3. Praise God

Yes, even amid our storms, praise God. What happens when you offer praise and thanksgiving to God in difficult seasons of life? It will direct your focus to God’s love and faithfulness. You will recognize His power and providence in tough situations. It brings hope and helps us remember our God is mightier than any storm.

You can sing praises to God, or play worship songs in the background and immerse yourself in it. Music opens your mind and heart to God. When you praise God, you allow yourself to rely on His power to sustain you through trials and difficulty. You will receive His peace and experience joy even in your suffering.

Your choice

Friend, we can never be exempted from trials and suffering. But we always have the option to take courage and faith to move forward and live on to fulfill our purpose here on earth. Have faith and courage to bounce back from adversity, and be an inspiration to others who are also going through hard times in life.

If you would like us to pray for you, just click our prayer request page and send your prayer request to us.